7000 visitors and counting

It appears that my recent trip to the US has made a strong impact on my blog visits.  While the US had overtaken the UK, in terms of visitors, after my recent visit the numbers have shot up.  Visitors from the US now make up more than double the visitors from the UK!  Once again, thanks everyone for visiting the blog and for the comments.  Will try to cover some of the suggested topics.  Do keep the comments coming.

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Customer Services Across the Atlantic: What we can learn from each other

I spent some time traveling, working and speaking in the US recently.  This particular trip, I paid much attention to customer services and to see how different organizations do things.  Overall, I can conclude that there is much that we can learn from each other about customer services.  There are some things that the Europeans seem to be good at, and others that the Americans seem to be doing well.

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Customer Services Across the Atlantic

Hi folks.  I’m in the US for a two week business trip, and presenting in conferences.  Had some interesting experiences already. 
For instance, I found the Dept for Homeland Security personnel quiet friendly.  In contrast, American Airlines seems to be really unfriendly.  Perhaps AA can learn much from Homeland Security.

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